Computing undergraduate wins British Computer Society award

Computer Science undergraduate Luke Roberts has won the Best First Year Project award in the BCS Open Source Project Contest 2016.
Luke’s prize winning project allows students to be able to construct and study algorithms without needing to understand a programming language.
Describing the project, Luke said “The project consisted of building an algorithm visualization tool where students can create programs with drag and drop blocks. These programs can then be executed step by step, generating visualizations, such as tables and graphs, using the programs' data. The visualizations will also allow users to deconstruct algorithms and see where inputted data changes.”
Luke will now travel to London in October to receive his award at a ceremony, and collect a £100 cash prize.
On winning the award, he commented “I'm very grateful for the help and encouragement I had throughout the project from both the staff and students in the School of Computing, it's amazing to see that all our hard work has paid off!"
The BCS Open Source Project Contest (OSSG) desires to support and encourage students to use and develop open source software and hardware in their project work.