Inaugural Lecture: Professor Arshad Jhumka, School of Computer Science

Join us on 26 February for the upcoming Inaugural Lecture of Arshad Jhumka, Professor of Distributed Systems in the School of Computer Science.

An inaugural lecture is a significant milestone in any academic’s career, recognising their promotion to Professor. It also offers an opportunity for our new professorial colleagues to showcase their work and innovative research with a broad audience, including members of the public, family, friends, and colleagues. 

This lecture is part of a Faculty-wide series that celebrates those who have joined the University to offer ever greater teaching, research, and expertise across our eight Schools. 

Watch Professor Jhumka’s Inaugural Lecture “Dependability in Large-Scale Systems”

About this lecture 

In his inaugural lecture, “Dependability in Large-Scale Systems”, Professor Jhumka will look at the impact of system and fault assumptions on the design of dependability in large scale systems. 

Systems failures, or deviations from expected behaviours, have been around for as long as systems have been built. However, as computer systems are being built out of heterogeneous components with complex interactions between them, the nature of failures within a system has changed. For example, in a distributed system that consists of many computing nodes, messages can be lost, and computing nodes may crash. 

For systems to behave as expected, these failures need to be handled, imposing an overhead on the system. As these systems become more tightly integrated, new failure modes occur such as nodes becoming rational. Further, as these systems become larger and include computing nodes with resource constraints, new challenges appear.  

In this lecture, Professor Jhumka will briefly survey the evolution of fault models in distributed systems and their subsequent impact on system correctness. He will also cover some of the work that he does in this area and propose new areas for future investigation. 

About our speaker 

Professor Arshad Jhumka is a Professor of Distributed Systems in the School of Computer Science. He completed his PhD in Computer Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. He joined the University of Warwick first as Assistant Professor, then Associate Professor, and then Reader. He joined Leeds in September 2023.   

His initial work had focused on the automated design of efficient fault tolerance. His work uses both a formal and an experimental approach to develop the required mechanisms. His main research interests are in the design of scalable fault-tolerant algorithms for large-scale systems. His work has garnered three best paper awards and four best paper award nominations. He is a member of the Distributed Systems and Services group in the School of Computer Science. 

Book your place 

The lecture will take place in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, with arrival and registration from 3:45pm in the main foyer, and the lecture commencing at 4pm in the Rhodes Lecture Theatre (G.55). This will be followed by a drinks reception in the Bragg Atrium at 5pm. 

If you have any questions please contact the EPS CPD, Conference and Events team via