Modern Statistics for Interdisciplinary Omics and Big Data

“Modern Statistics for Interdisciplinary Omics and Big Data” is a joint event of the IMforFUTURE network and the LASR Workshop, and will include a celebration of Kanti Mardia's 85th birthday.

The workshop on “Modern Statistics for Interdisciplinary Omics and Big Data” will take place from 28 June – 30 June 2021. This workshop is a joint event of the final project meeting of the EU funded IMforFUTURE network on novel methods for future datasets and the Leeds Annual Statistical Research (LASR) Workshop. There will also be a special session to honour Professor Kanti Mardia, who had his 85th birthday last year. The conference will be a mixture of statistics, machine learning and epidemiology.

Please check the website for more information, including confirmed speakers and details of abstract submission.