Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas

- Date: Friday 24 June 2022, 19:30 – 22:00
- Location: Leeds city centre
- Cost: £10
Take three top academics, three dangerous ideas, add one comedian and it’s the force of nature that is the Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas (CODI).
Hosted by comedian Susan Morrison, and now in its tenth year, CODI is ninety minutes of rapid-fire research from some of the finest minds in the country.
Investing in an uncertain world: a forecaster's tip
Is there such a thing as a secure investment? In a world of war, climate change, pandemics, financial crashes and natural hazards, is anything really risk-free? Can we use AI to minimise risk? Are forecasts and predictions an art or a science? Giuseppe Degan Di Dieco, University of Bristol, tells you where he would invest his own money!
White men can’t teach!
If university students are told to read only textbooks by white men, does this bias their learning? Machine Learning copies bias in the training data. Research shows white men write most teaching textbooks at UK Universities. Professor Eric Atwell argues for ‘Decolonizing the Curriculum’.
Baskets Behaving Badly!
Food is one of the biggest contributors to climate change, but can you be trusted to change what you are buying in the supermarket? Trying to break bad habits is hard enough. Alexandra Dalton, University of Leeds, asks would it be easier if we let someone else do it for us?
Supported by The Alan Turing Institute.
Venue: The HiFi Club, 2 Central Road, Leeds LS1 6DE
Buy your tickets at Eventbrite.