How to overcome obstacles and become resilient
- Date: Monday 8 March 2021, 14:00 – 15:30
- Location: Online event
- Cost: Free
The event will feature an inspirational video followed by a stimulating panel discussion.
Join us to celebrate International Women’s day and be inspired by our panellists who will share stories and tips about resilience
The Breaking Boundaries in STEM event series is aimed at inspiring everyone from STEM disciplines, including those from underrepresented groups, to develop self-confidence, further their careers and pursue leadership ambitions. Our panel includes inspirational role models from different disciplines, career stages and life experiences.
Dorothy Monekosso - Dorothy is a Professor of Computer Science at Leeds Beckett University. She is the only black (Afro-Caribbean) female professor of Computer Science in the UK who has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT. Dorothy holds a PhD in Space Systems Engineering, a Master’s in Satellite Engineering and Bachelor in Electronic Engineering. She researches ambient assisted living, intelligent environments, smart homes, and assistive robotics. She works closely with local government and industry in innovative technology for healthcare.
Emilio Garcia-Taengua - Emilio is an Associate Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds. He is the School’s Deputy Director of Student Education and a Deputy Director of the Neville Centre of Excellence in Cement and Concrete Engineering. He is a civil and structural engineer specialised in concrete technology and concrete structures. Emilio holds professional qualification of Chartered Engineer in Spain (Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos), an MSc in Data Analysis and Applied Statistics and PhD in Civil Engineering. He was School Champion of Equality and Inclusion, Athena Swan assessment panellist, the University #BuildingEquality entry to the Leeds Pride in 2018.
Foteini Zagklavara - Foteini is a PhD student in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics. In 2020 she won the Margaret Steel Innovation Award for the design of a droplet experimental device.She holds a diploma in Chemical Engineering with background in modelling, simulation and optimisation of chemical processes. In her PhD she works in collaboration with a team of biologists on designing and building a device to facilitate research and understanding of the mechanisms that drive Leukaemia.
Karin Baur - Karin is a Professor in the School of Mathematics at the University of Leeds and a Full Professor at the University of Graz . She is one of the protagonists of the project Women of Mathematics throughout Europe and is an active member of European Women in Mathematics, an international association of women working in the field of mathematics in Europe. Karin holds a Diploma and PhD in Mathematics. Her areas of expertise include algebra, representation theory, cluster categories and combinatorics. In 2018 she was awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship for her work on Surface categories and mutation.
Terence Kee - Terry is a Reader in the School of Chemistry at the University of Leeds. He is the School’s Postgraduate Research Tutor, Equality and Inclusion lead, and School Academic Lead on Inclusive Practise. He is leader of the University of Leeds discovery theme on Exploring Science. Terry holds a degree in Chemistry and PhD in organometallic chemistry. He worked on problems in organic synthesis, catalysis, environmental waste recovery, and medicinal chemistry. His recent interests focus on soft matter, especially hydrogels.
Vania Dimitrova (Panel Chair) - Vania is a Professor in the School of Computing at the University of Leeds. She is the Equality and Inclusion lead for the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. She holds a diploma in Mathematics and a PhD in applied Artificial Intelligence. She is a co-director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Medical Diagnosis and Care and president-elect of the International Society for Artificial Intelligence in Education.
To sign up, please follow the Eventbrite link.