Leeds Innovation in Surgical Technologies Launch

- Date: Wednesday 12 October 2016, 17:30 – 19:30
- Location: Engineering Building
- Type: Conferences
- Cost: n/a
The Leeds Innovation in Surgical Technologies Network (LIST) has been to bring together researchers and technologists from across engineering and physical sciences.
LIST has been formed as part of the University’s Health theme to bring together researchers and technologists from across engineering and physical sciences disciplines in academia and industry together with clinicians in order to develop and apply new technologies to solve clinical challenges.
Over the next few months, LIST activities will include:
- A series of networking events with talks on clinical challenges across a range of disciplines and advances in technology areas
- Collaboration-building workshops focusing on robotics, "precision surgery" and innovative manufacturing techniques with pump-priming funding for projects and support for larger collaborative funding applications
- A one-day conference, bringing together thought-leaders and showcasing a wide range of surgical technology research
- “Clinical immersion opportunities” for academics with 1 week placements in either a clinical department with an intense and varied schedule to maximise learning opportunities – and a reciprocal programme for clinicians in an academic environment
- Christmas vacation studentships
This event will formally launch the network and feature talks from Professor David Jayne and Professor Peter Culmer on their successes and the challenges in such collaborations. There will also be more information provided about future network activities and how you can get involved.
To see the full programme for the event and to reserve your place, please register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/leeds-innovation-in-surgical-technologies-network-launch-tickets-27884554453