Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluids and Dynamos Meeting

Abstract Submission

Abstract Guidelines 

Abstract acceptance for oral presentation is conditional upon at least one author registering for the meeting by Thursday 8 August 2024 to present. Oral abstracts without a registered presenting author after this date will not be included in the final programme. 

Abstract submission for poster presentation is Thursday 1 August 2024. For advance information, posters should be in the following format: A1 landscape (h 594mm x w 841mm); A0 portrait (w 841mm x h 1189mm). 

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be submitted via CMT

For more information on how to create a CMT account, click here.

For more information on how to submit an abstract, click here

Please note, 1 page abstract submissions with figures and final or preliminary results must follow the mandatory abstract template: Download Abstract Template