Computation for Applied Catalysis Workshop

Abstract Submission

Contributions for oral and poster presentations are invited on the themes listed below


  • Catalysis for C1 Chemistry: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Methanol

  • Catalysis for Nitrogen Chemistry

  • Experimental Characterisation of Catalytic Materials, Catalytic Testing and Kinetics

  • Applications of Microporous Materials in Catalysis

Abstract Guidelines 

Authors are requested to adhere to the mandatory abstract template and specifications. 

Download Abstract Template 

Abstract acceptance for oral presentation is conditional upon at least one author registering for the workshop by x to present. Oral abstracts without a registered presenting author after this date will not be included in the final programme. 

Abstract submission for poster presentation is x. For advance information, posters should be in the following format: A1 landscape (h 594mm x w 841mm); A0 portrait (w 841mm x h 1189mm). 

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be submitted via CMT

For more information on how to create a CMT account, click here.

For more information on how to submit an abstract, click here