Suraj Adedamola Rahmon
- Course: Civil engineering materials PhD
- PhD title: Carbonation of slag-rich binary and ternary blended system
Suraj Adedamola Rahmon is pursuing a PhD within the Cities, Infrastructure and Energy research group, as part of the materials and structures research team. He is collaborating with Heidelberg Cement AG in Germany, and his research is funded by the Tertiary Education Funds Nigeria (TETFUND).
Understanding supplementary cement materials
Suraj explained the purpose of his research and part of his journey to becoming a postgraduate researcher. He said:
“I wanted to study a unique topic that can generally re-shape how Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) are used. These SCMs are by-products of industrial process and with huge potential to partially substitute Portland cement and reduce the carbon footprint of construction industry.”
“My current research will help develop a deeper understanding of the carbonation of composite cements containing SCMs. This can offer valuable insights into future applications of alternative cementitious materials,” he continued.
“These materials could help to mitigate environmental impacts of cement production.”
SCMs have huge potential to partially substitute Portland cement and reduce the carbon footprint of construction industry.
Working with Heidelberg cement
“Heidelberg Cement AG have been very supportive with the material supplies and expertise required to achieve the aim of this project. Their input helps to provide an industrial relevance to the project,” Suraj said.
Suraj’s research entails performing both field and laboratory experiments. He said:
“I also use various analytical techniques available at the state-of-the-art UKCRIC facilities hosted in the School of Civil Engineering to study and analyse performance of supplementary cementitious materials during carbonation.”
Heidelberg Cement AG... has been very supportive with the materials supplies and expertise required to achieve the aim of the project.
Leading researchers
“Professor Leon Black is one of the leading experts in the durability of low-carbon cementitious binders; it is a privilege to learn under him in developing a robust knowledge of the chemistry of cement and SCMs,” Suraj said.
“The material research group at University is a very robust community with a lot of experienced researchers who are helping to shape the future of the next generation of low carbon binders and support young researchers to reach the top.”
Professor Leon Black is one of the leading experts in low-carbon binder durability; it is a privilege to learn under him...
He added: “My supervisory team are helpful and approachable any time and committed to the success of this study.”
Future plans
“My future plan is to be able to provide solutions to the myriad of challenges confronting the cement and construction industry,” Suraj said.