Professor Susan Bernal Lopez awarded 2022 Robert L'Hermite medal

Professor Susan Bernal Lopez has been awarded the 2022 Robert L'Hermite medal by the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM).
Professor Susan Bernal Lopez is honoured with this award by RILEM in recognition of the outstanding impact of her research activities on assessment and improvement of durability and sustainability of novel cements and concretes, as well as waste management and valorisation.
This prestigious medal has been awarded each year since 1967 to a researcher under the age of 40 who has made an exceptional scientific contribution to the field of construction materials and structures.
The importance and the influence of Professor Bernal’s research activities on these topics is demonstrated by the numerous highly cited scientific publications that she has published as lead author and her extensive portfolio of research grants, funded at the national and international level and sponsored by industry.
She has participated in 8 RILEM technical committees and has served as Associate Editor of RILEM Technical Letters since 2016. She was awarded a RILEM Gustavo Colonnetti medal in 2016 for her previous work on alkali activated materials.
The award ceremony will take place during the 76th RILEM Annual Week and The International Conference on Regeneration and Conservation of Structures (ICRCS 2022) in Kyoto (Japan), where Professor Bernal will be delivering a plenary lecture.