Dr William Collinge
- Position: Associate Professor in Construction Management
- Areas of expertise: Construction Project Management; Digitalisation; BIM; Health and Safety; Collaboration; Stakeholder Management; Communications; Sociotechnical Systems; Practice theory; Systems Thinking; Ethics.
- Email: W.H.Collinge@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: 3.17 Civil Engineering
- Website: LinkedIn | Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
I am Associate Professor in Construction Management in the School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds. I am Programme Director for the MSc. International Construction Management & Engineering (ICME) and am an active researcher in civil engineering and project management, having led and worked on numerous industry and government projects since 2008. I am a Chartered Construction Manager (MCIOB), Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and hold degrees in: PhD Construction Management and Engineering (Reading, 2014), MSc. Applied Informatics – distinction (Reading, 2008), MA Librarianship & Information Management (LJMU, 1996), BA Hons. Ancient History & Archaeology (Warwick, 1993).
I have active links with industry, including CIOB (Committee member – West Yorkshire) and Major Projects Association (MPA). I have led successful research projects previously with industry and government (see prizes/publications). Previous to the University of Leeds, I worked at University of Manchester (Lecturer, 2017-2023), University of Reading (Research Fellow, 2015-2017 & 2008-2010) and Henley Business School (2011-2015). I have also worked in NHS, government civil service (HSE; DTI), banking and in overseas Universities (City University, Slovak Republic).
- MSc Programme Director - ICME (International Construction Management Engineering)
Research interests
My research examines the complex interactions occurring between the social and the technical in dynamic dynamic project contexts. My work engages with the challenges now facing project-based companies and industries (i.e. sustainability; digitalisation; systems-thinking, etc.). I have previously led prize-winning research projects in construction health and safety (BIM Risk Library project) and stakeholder engagement and communication on NHS hospital projects; my research work also including innovative procurement methods in UK construction, IT systems design in construction, ontology creation from health and safety datasets for IT systems, UK construction industry response to Covid pandemic, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical behaviours in construction, systems dynamics on railway infrastructure projects and social practices theory.
My work uses conceptual and theoretical contructs to examine, analyze and clarify project management dynamics – such work has addressed stakeholder management, innovation design and delivery, corporate social responsibility (CSR) on projects, socio-technical systems and systems dynamics (please see publications).
My broad research interests for industry collaboration and PhD supervision are: digitalisation and complexity in projects; BIM; health, safety and wellbeing in construction; IT technologies in project management, sustainability in project management, collaboration on projects, stakeholder engagement/management, project communications, ethics and CSR, IT systems design, social practices.
Funded Research
BIM Risk Library Project (2019 – 2021) (Principal Investigator). Funder: Lloyds`s Register Foundation Discovering Safety Programme (with HSE & Thomas Ashton Institute). Value: £471.012.40.
KUBS: Keeping the UK Building Safely (2021 – 2022) (Co-Investigator). Funder: Lloyds`s Register Foundation Discovering Safety Programme (with HSE & Thomas Ashton Institute). Value: £507.927.00.
Delivering more for less under the IPI model. Trialling IPI on a live construction project: learning from Advance II at Dudley College (2015 – 2017). University of Reading. Innovate UK/TSB Project Ref: 101345. Research Fellow position.
Collaborative knowledge management for the support of through life building processes (2008-2010). University of Reading. EPSRC Project Ref: H5003714. Researcher.
Prizes / Awards
Winner: Emerald Award – Measuring Social Value in Rail Infrastructure Projects: a System Dynamic Approach. 39th ARCOM Conference, Leeds 2023.
Best Health and Safety Innovation - Building Innovation Awards 2022 (shortlisted).
Winner: Health and Safety Software of the Year: Construction Computing Awards 2021. https://constructioncomputingawards.co.uk
Winner: buildingSMART 2020 Professional Research category: https://www.buildingsmart.org/bsi-awards-2020/winners/
Winner: CIOB 2015 Innovation & Research paper prize.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
Collinge, W.H. (2024). Advancing social practice understandings of digital innovation delivery in construction project management. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management.
Collinge, W.H. and Osorio-Sandoval, C. (2024). Deploying a BIM-Based Construction Safety Risk Library for Industry: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Buildings, 14, 2. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14020500
Collinge, W.H. (2023). Issues of interpretation and understanding: a social semiotic framework to inform teaching of civil engineering communication. Journal of Civil Engineering Education. https://doi.org/10.1061/JCEECD/EIENG-1913
Osorio-Sandoval, C.A., Crick, G., Collinge, W.H., Farghaly, K., Hadi Mosleh, M., Manu, P. and Cheung, C.M. (2023). Dataset of characterised construction safety risks and related treatments. Data in Brief. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109293
Collinge, W.H., Farghaly, K., HadiMosleh, M. Manu, P., Cheung, C.M. and Osorio-Sandoval, C.A. (2022). BIM-based Construction Safety Risk Library. Automation in Construction, 141, September. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104391
Farghaly, K , Soman, R.K., Collinge, W. H., Hadi-Mosleh, M., Manu, P. and Cheung, C. (2022) Construction Safety ontology development and alignment with industry foundation classes (IFC). IT Con Journal, 27, 94-108. https://doi.org/10.36680/j.itcon.2022.005
Farghaly, K., Collinge, W.H., Hadi Mosleh, M., Manu, P. Cheung, C.M. (2021) Digital information technologies for prevention through design (PtD): A literature review and directions for future research, Construction Innovation, 22, 4, 1036-1058. https://doi.org/10.1108/CI-02.2021.0027
Connaughton, J and Collinge, W.H. (2021). Trialling a new approach to interdisciplinary collaboration in UK construction: a projects-as-practice analysis. Construction Management & Economics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01446193.2021.1933558
Jang, R. and Collinge, W. (2020). Improving BIM asset and facilities management processes: a Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) contractor perspective. Journal of Building Engineering, 32. ISSN: 23527102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101540
Collinge, W.H. (2020). Stakeholder engagement in construction: exploring corporate social responsibility (CSR), ethical behaviours and practices. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146, 3. ISSN: 0733-9364. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001769
Collinge, W.H. (2019). Exploring construction project design as multimodal social semiotic practice. Social Semiotics, 29, 5, 603-621. ISSN: 1035-0330.
Collinge, W.H. (2017). Client requirement representations and transformations in construction project design. Journal of Engineering, Design & Technology, 15, 2, 222-241. ISSN: 1726-0531.
Collinge, B. (2016). Stakeholder management strategies during construction project work. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 22, 8, 394-400. ISSN: 1358-0574.
Collinge, W.H. (2015). Images and the making of meanings in construction project design. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research, 2, 9, 898-909. ISSN: 2333-911X.
Collinge, W.H. (2015). Infection control in construction and design. Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD), 8, 3, 68-79. ISSN: 1937-5867.
Collinge, W.H. & Harty, C.F. (2014). Stakeholder interpretations of design: semiotic insights into the briefing process. Construction Management & Economics, 32, 7-8, 760-772.
Collinge, W.H. (2013). A conceptual valuation framework (VF) for home telecare system devices. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 7, 1, 63-68.
Collinge, W.H. (2012). Re-thinking stakeholder management in construction: theory & research. Project Perspectives, 34, 16-23.
Collinge, W.H. (2009). Innovative organizational design for surgeries. British Journal of Healthcare Management, October, 15, 10, 496-503.
Collinge, W.H. & Liu, K. (2009). Information architecture of a telecare system. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. June, 15, 161-164.
Collinge, W.H. (2006). Proving your worth as a Clinical Librarian. Library & Information Update, April, 5, 4.
Collinge, B. (2004). Impact of private-sector university growth on the societies of post-Communist Europe: a case study from Slovakia. Quality Assurance in Education, 12, 4.
Collinge, W.H. (2003). Libraries in Slovakia. Slavic & East European Information Resources, 4, 1.
Collinge, W.H. (2002). Slovak Search Engines. Slavic & East European Information Resources, 3, 4.
Collinge, W.H. (2001). Libraries in Slovakia. Focus on International & Comparative Librarianship. Vol.32, no.3.
Collinge, W.H. (2001). Business Opportunities in Central & Eastern Europe. Managing Information, June, 8, 5.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Collinge, W.H., Osorio-Sandoval, C.A., Cheung, C.M., Manu, P. (2023). Developing industry 4.0 applications: a social construction of technology approach, Handbook of Construction Safety, Health and Well-being in the Industry 4.0 Era, Taylor & Francis, London. Handbook of Construction Safety, Health and Well-being in the Industry (routledge.com)
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Collinge, W.H. (2024). When sustainable technologies are ignored. Socio-technical systems thinking, construction and sustainable development. ICCEPM 2024 - 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, July 29 - Aug.1, Sapporo, Japan.
Abdelmegid, M., Algan, T., Osorio-Sandoval, C., Fang, Z. and Collinge, W. (2024). Conceptualizing Digital Twins in Construction Projects as Socio-Technical Systems. ISARC (International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction) Conference, Lille, France.
Shi, Y. and Collinge, W. (2023). Measuring Social Value in Rail Infrastructure Projects: a System Dynamic Approach. 39th ARCOM conference, University of Leeds, UK.
Dong, Y., Collinge, W., Kirkham, R. and Rahbarimanesh, A. (2023). A Framework for Developing Information Requirements for Built Asset Management Based on Organisational Sustainability Objectives. 7th BUiD Doctoral Research Conference BDRC 2023. Dubai, UAE.
Li, X., Zhang, L., Collinge, W. and Rahbarimanesh, A. (2022), 'Smart Bike-Sharing to Sustain Urban Development: A Project Management (PM) Approach', British Academy of Management (BAM), Manchester, UK, 31/08/22 - 2/09/22.
Osorio-Sandoval, C.A. Collinge, W.H., Mosleh, M.H., Cheung, C.M., Manu, P., Freitas, A. and Bowles, J. (2021). A method to implement prevention through design using 4D BIM. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference of CIB W78, Luxembourg, 13-15 October, pp 158-164.
Shi, Y. and Collinge, W.H. (2021). Inter-organisational collaboration in megaprojects: a dynamic model of collaborative and opportunistic behaviour. 37th ARCOM conference.
Collinge, W. H., Farghaly, K., Hadi-Mosleh, M., Manu, P. and Cheung, C. (2020). Methodologies, strategies and interactions: how best to engage industry when researching a new health and safety tool. CIB W099 Safety, Health and People in Construction conference.
Collinge, W.H. (2019). Project management learning: connecting and aligning with taxonomies and frameworks to improve practice. AMPS Conference – Education, Design and Practice – Understanding skills in a complex world, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey/New York, 17-19 June.
Okedara, K., Chan, P.W., Collinge, W. and Ejohwomu, O. (2019). Ethics in stakeholder engagement for successful and sustainable project, business and organisational management. British Academy of Management Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
Connaughton, J. & Collinge, W.H. (2019). Understanding collaborative working in a facilitated interdisciplinary environment. 10th Nordic conference on Construction Economics and Organization, Tallin, Estonia, 7-8 May.
Collinge, W.H. & Connaughton, J. (2017). Mobilizing an Action Research programme in a live construction project setting. In: 33rd ARCOM (Assn. of Researchers in Construction Management) Conference, Cambridge, UK, September.
Collinge, W.H. & Connaughton, J. (2017). Mobilizing BIM in a collaborative project environment, In: Proc. Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC³), Vol. 1 (CIB 78), Heraklion, Greece.
Collinge, W.H. & Harty, C.F. (2013). Evolving designs and stakeholder contributions to the briefing process. In: 29th ARCOM (Assn. of Researchers in Construction Management) Conference, Reading, UK, 2-4 September.
Collinge, W.H. (2012). The role of the design artefact in hospital briefing and design work. HaCIRIC (Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation) Conference, Cardiff, UK, 19-21 September.
Collinge, W.H. & Harty, C.F. (2012). Exploring the semiotic properties of design artefacts. EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), Helsinki, Finland, July 5-7.
Collinge, W.H. (2011). Understanding stakeholder requirements on an NHS hospital project: application of semiotics-rooted theories. In: 27th ARCOM (Assn. of Researchers in Construction Management), 5-7 September, UWE, Bristol, UK.
Collinge, W.H. (2011). Re-thinking stakeholder management in construction: theory & research. In: 6th Nordic conference on construction economics and organisation, 13-15 April, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Collinge, W.H., Harty, C., Liu, K. & Tang, Y. (2009). Assessing organizational semiotics for IT systems design: improving information exchange processes across construction project stakeholders. In: 26th International Conference on IT in construction & 1st International Conference on Managing Construction for Tomorrow, Istanbul, Turkey, 1-3 October.
Collinge, W.H., Harty, C., Liu, K. & Tang, Y. (2009b) Improving information sharing across construction stakeholders: an organizational semiotics approach. In CIB W065 & W055 Joint International Symposium 2009, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27 September – 1 October 2009.
PROTECT Covid-19 National Core Study (2022). Keeping the UK Building Safely 2. Thomas Ashton Institute – University of Manchester.
Collinge, W., Osorio-Sandoval, C., Cheung, C. Hadi-Mosleh, M., Manu, P., Freitas, A., Zhou, Z. (2021) BIM Risk Library Final Report (Phase 2A). Health and Safety Executive. https://www.discoveringsafety.com/reports/digital-health-and-safety-risk-library-use-case
PROTECT Covid-19 National Core Study (2021) Keeping the UK Building Safely: A Scoping Study. Thomas Ashton Institute – University of Manchester. https://lnkd.in/g-X7FJMD
Collinge, W, Farghaly, K, Manu, P, Cheung, C & Hadi Mosleh, M. (2020) BIM Risk Library Final Report (Phase 1). Health and Safety Executive.
Connaughton, J. and Collinge, W.H. (2018) Delivering more for less under the IPI model. Trialling IPI on a live construction project: learning from Advance II at Dudley College, Final Report: University of Reading. Innovate UK/TSB Project Ref: 101345.
- PhD Construction Management & Engineering (Reading 2014)
- MSc Applied Informatics (distinction. Reading 2008)
- MA Information & Library Management (LJMU 1996)
- BA Hons. 2:1 Ancient History & Classical Archaeology (Warwick 1993)
Professional memberships
- Chartered Construction Manager (MCIOB) - Chartered Institute of Building.
- Higher Education Academy (FHEA) Fellow.
- CIOB (CIOB) Committee member - West Yorkshire.
- MPA - Major Projects Association member.
Student education
Programme Director – MSc (International Construction Management Engineering) – ICME.
MSc teaching on ICME (International Construction Management Engineering) and EPM (Engineering Project Management) programmes.