Krisen Moodley
- Position: Senior Lecturer (Teaching + Scholarship)
- Areas of expertise: project management; infrastructure asset management; whole life management; ethics; corporate responsibility; resilience; procurement
- Email: K.Moodley@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 2329
- Location: 321 School of Civil Engineering
My early professional and academic background is in Quantity Surveying and Construction Economics. I was a lecturer in construction management in the School of Building Engineering and Surveying at Heriot-Watt University between 1990 and 1994. I joined Leeds in 1994 as a lecturer in Engineering project management. Since joining Leeds my research and teaching interests now include infrastructure asset management, whole life management, ethics, corporate responsibility, resilience and procurement. I supervise students in infrastructure asset managment, whole-life management, project management, procurement and resileince across all engineering sectors.
I am chief editor of the Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management (ICE publishing) and reviewer for Construction Management and Economics, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management , Journal of Environmental Management and Institute of Asset Management/IET Research Conference. I am also a member of the regional committees of the CIHT and IAM.
- Programme Leader - MSc International Construction Management and Engineering
- Study Abroad Tutor
Research interests
Asset Management -The OECD estimates that around $40 trillion of investment in new and existing physical infrastructure will be required globally between now and 2030[i]. Two significant trends underlie this global need. First, the investment needs of developing countries associated with their growing economies, rapid urbanisation and expanding wealthier populations. Second, the investment needs of developed economies arising from a legacy of under-investment in aging infrastructure which is at increasing risk of failure. The investment in and management of physical infrastructure assets at its simplest level focuses on answering the question of why invest in physical assets, for what purpose, over what timescale, and, are there alternatives that can better achieve service delivery that are non-physical asset dependent or can reduce asset dependency[ii].The accumulated value of public and private infrastructure, its maintenance needs and the investment demands associated with upgrading, renewing or creating new infrastructure are significant, especially in an era of paucity of national and international public sector investment. With scarce resources, prioritisation of available funds into infrastructure becomes paramount at a policy level; at the level of infrastructure systems, networks and at an individual physical asset level. Related issues of criticality, vulnerability and resilience of infrastructure also come to the fore when set within the wider context of global shifts in economic prosperity, sustainability, and in an era of financial and climatic uncertainty. Projects in this sector were undertaken for CABE, OGC, London Underground and the Environment Agency
Current projects include "Intelligent Asset Management" in conjunction with Arup. This project is looking at the enhancement of existing Asset Management approaches within a socio-technical context, the development of competency matrices for organisations and individuals and a socio- technical asset management toolbox.
Projects are also being undertaken in the development of formalised approaches to asset management in the public sector in developing countries. These relate to formalised decision systems and pathways. Policy development for public sector management of heritage assets is also taking place. Projects are also being developed in the integration of BIM into Asset management and active monitoring of assets.
Asset management within Leeds involves collaboration within the Institute of Resilient Infrastructure, PACE, Centre for Socio-Technical Systems, Water@Leeds and the Sustainability Research institute.
[i] OECD Infrastructure to 2030 – Telecom, Land Transport, Water and Electricity ISBN 9264023984 2006 and Infrastructure to 2030 (Volume 2): Mapping Policy for Electricity, Water and Transport 2007 ISBN 9789264031319 both OECD Publications, 2006 & 2007[ii] Total Asset Management Manual, New South Wales Government Asset Management Committee (GAMC), NSW Government, August 2003.
The Management of Safety in Complex Built Environments/Urban Resilience The interaction between a mass of people and the surrounding built environment creates a risk context. The risk can be amplified through the interactions that can lead to disaster. The objective is to develop a range of generic approaches, tools, techniques and references to assist all parties that have responsibilities for safety in complex built environments. Cross disciplinary thinking in design, crowd dynamics, security, materials, risk identification and emergency planning are being considered.
Urban Resilience is the degree to which urban areas can tolerate change before reorganising around a new set of structures, systems and processes which may be less desirable. Systems underpin the urban environment. As these systems interact we become more dependent on them for social continuity. Research into the criticality and vulnerability of these systems are being conducted. Current projects include modelling of systemic risk from the failure of water treatment systems.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics in Construction The re-emergence of ethics as subject of interest the engineering professions is a reflection of the changing times we live in. There is a broader public interest in the way we behave, as engineering professionals and companies. Increased pressure is being brought to bear on the performance of engineering organisations and the individuals that lead and populate them. There is also a significant danger with the continued erosion of professionalism within the UK. The future of professional ethics and CSR in construction is being considered. The impact of ethics on areas such as procurement, collaborations and value management is also being investigated.
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://eps.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>Student education
I teach in the following areas:
- Whole life asset management
- Construction business management
- Strategic management in construction
- Project and Asset Management
- Management of Time, Cost, Quality of Projects
- Integrated Design Project 3
Research groups and institutes
- Water, Public Health and Environmental Engineering