
Results 146 to 150 of 269 in Research and innovation

A truck in India

A University of Leeds-led study had concluded that implementing stricter emissions policies can save hundreds of thousands of lives in India.

Light wave

Lasers are widely used as high power sources of light operating at a specific frequency. But how does this frequency get selected when a laser is turned on, and how quickly?

Air pollution

A study led by researchers at the University of Leeds has suggested that the introduction of stricter emissions standards in India could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year.

Technology for incontinence hasn't developed much since ancient Egyptian times

Dr Peter Culmer from the School of Mechanical Engineering, addresses the almost unchanged history of incontinence technology and the growing recognition for research in this area.

Leeds wins £4.2m funding to develop robot fixers of the future

The University is pioneering a £4.2 million national infrastructure research project that will use tarmac 3D printing robots to repair potholes and cracks.