Resilience robots to be tested at national challenge event
Ten of the most advanced infrastructure robots and systems currrently in development will be put to the test later this month at the UK Robotics Week Resilient Infrastructure Challenge event in Leeds.
Degree partnership with PwC creates new career opportunities in technology
A partnership between global firm PwC and the University has created a new degree apprenticeship in computer science, an innovative way for young people to launch a career in technology.
Partnership aims for a new generation of optical instruments
A new partnership between leading science and technology company Merck and the University aims to expand the use of liquid crystals in optical innovations.
Methanol detected for first time around young star
Dr Catherine Walsh has led new work detecting methanol, a key building block for the emergence of life, in the disk of a young, distant star.
Leeds success at the RSC Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Group Postgraduate Symposium 2017
On 25 May, Leeds chemical biologists attended the annual postgraduate symposium of the RSC Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Group (CBBG) in Glasgow.