
Results 726 to 730 of 1197 in all schools

Professor Ben Varcoe wins IET award at Creavo

Medical technologies company Creavo, set up by Professor Ben Varcoe, won two awards at the Institution of Engineering and Technology Innovation Awards for its cutting-edge cardiac imaging device.

Students receiving the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Health and Safety

The Chemistry Student Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Committee has won the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Health and Safety 2017.

Mechanical engineering undergraduate students

The government has named 2018 the Year of Engineering as part of an initiative that will offer young engineers across the UK vast opportunity - a major push to tackle a skills gap.

The nanoscale mechanical properties of proteins

Dr Lorna Dougan from the School of Physics and Astronomy has been awarded a highly prestigious EPSRC Fellowship, with a value of £1.6 million (FEC).

An academic in Leeds Institute for Data Analytics

The University of Leeds is set to become a partner of The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s prestigious national institute for data science.