
Results 696 to 700 of 1197 in all schools

Link to Leeds

Link to Leeds is a fantastic opportunity to talk to students about life in Leeds by taking part in our live chat series and other online events.

research into glass at the University of Leeds

Professor Animesh Jha, whose expertise lies in glass materials, will be the lead academic for the nominated University of Leeds site as part of the newly announced £50m Glass Futures project.

Community Senior High School, Akodo, Nigeria

Sikiru Mohammed, postgraduate researcher in the School of Mechanical Engineering has been awarded 2nd place at the University of Leeds Postgraduate Researcher of the Year 2017 conference.

Chemical compound

University of Leeds scientists are revaluating previously discarded chemical compounds to see if any could be developed for new antibiotics.

Student in a physics lab

The University is to receive £6 million in funding for additional PhD places as part of a major investment in science and engineering in the UK, announced by Business Secretary Greg Clark.