GreenTRIBOS 4th Network Wide Event held in Sweden

The fourth Network Wide Event of the GreenTRIBOS joint doctorate programme on Green Tribology for Sustainable Engineering was held recently in Sweden.
The Network Wide Event was organised by Technical University of Luleå (LTU) in Luleå, Sweden. Due to the relaxation of Covid restrictions, it was the first NWE where the early-stage researchers (ESRs) were able to meet all of their supervisors in person and included a visit to the town of Kiruna as well.
The Network Wide Event consisted of scientific training sessions, different transferable skills trainings, midterm review & management meetings, ESRs' progress presentations and recreational visits. The participants had a chance to visit the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), the LTU Space Campus and the Ice hotel in Kiruna (pictured above), as well as the University of Luleå. Lectures/training sessions were delivered by educators from each beneficiary and invited speakers on the topics of Personal development and research integrity, Gender equality, Team building and multicultural awareness and so on.
The ESRs presented their scientific progress and current results of each project. The progress reporting was divided into different sessions that were scheduled for separate days. Each presentation was followed by a 30 min Q&A session, where both the supervisors and the other ESRs participated in order to provide constructive comments and guidance. All of the ESRs are well on the way to completing their projects and will be attending several international conferences to present their work to the wider scientific community.
More information about their progress and the GreenTRIBOS project can be found on the official website at The project is part of the European Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and is funded under the Grant Agreement No. 860246.