Celebrating the work of Sir William Henry Bragg

To celebrate the research of Sir William Henry Bragg, artist Sara Barker has created an original installation on the side of the faculty’s latest new development.
The new Sir William Henry Bragg Building is named after the Cavendish Professor of Physics who worked at the University of Leeds in the early 20th century. Sara Barker’s large sculpture celebrates the professor’s Nobel-Prize-winning work, using lightweight aluminium to convey ideas relating to science and engineering.
As you view the sculpture from different perspectives, the symbols representing the famous Bragg equation are revealed: nλ = 2 d sin θ.
Sir Alan Langlands, Vice-Chancellor, said: "Sara Barker's striking artwork is a vibrant reminder of the Nobel Prize winning contribution of the Braggs in 'the analysis of crystal structures by means of X-rays' and the power of science in shaping modern society.
“The Sir William Henry Bragg Building will provide state of the art facilities to support ground-breaking interdisciplinary research, spanning engineering, physical sciences and computing, and linking with colleagues in medicine and biology. The Bragg Centre for Materials Research will discover, create and design new materials which will translate to a wide range of industrial settings.
“Critically, this new complex will also provide creative spaces for students, ensuring that their research-based education is enriched by having access to cutting edge laboratories, workshops and digital facilities."
For more information, read the full story here.