
Results 1 to 5 of 170 in School of Physics and Astronomy

False vacuum from Zlatko Papic.

Physicists have performed a groundbreaking simulation they say sheds new light on an elusive phenomenon that could determine the ultimate fate of the universe.

Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell delivering the 2024 Bolton Lecture in front of hundreds of people in a lecture theatre

The University of Leeds celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Bolton Lecture in Astronomy – and this year’s event was led by world-renowned astrophysicist Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell.

The Moon Palace bus observatory on a moon-like surface surrounded by people, with a child on top looking into the skies through binoculars

The University of Leeds, in collaboration with the East Leeds Project and three university partners, has launched the Moon Palace project, funded by a £22,000 grant from the Ogden Trust.

A colourful abstract drawing of people mingling with scientific objects

The University of Leeds is putting innovation, impact, and inclusivity at the forefront of National Engineering Day 2024, with a special focus on inspiring the next generation of engineers.

The 2024 University Challenge Leeds team, on set and sat behind their desk, with host Amol Rajan standing behind them in the centre of the shot.

A University of Leeds team is making a long-awaited return to a classic quiz show - and over half of the squad are studying in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.