
Results 6 to 10 of 158 in School of Physics and Astronomy

NASA satellite in space. Picture credit: NASA, Sonoma State University, Aurora Simonnet

A ravenous black hole in a galaxy close to ours is taking bites out of a star like the Sun every time it orbits, new research has revealed.

Two plant-based burgers in buns, with salad, side by side

One of the biggest obstacles to the uptake of plant-based alternatives to meat is their very dry and astringent feel when they are eaten.

Bragg building

The state-of-the-art Sir William Henry Bragg Building is among three nominees for one of the region’s most prestigious construction prizes.

Daniel accepting his award

Daniel West, a final year Natural Sciences student, has won a University of Leeds Beaumont Award for his research into the biomedical applications of protein hydrogels.

A headshot of Karolina Szewczyk

A University of Leeds PhD student from the School of Physics & Astronomy is one of ten awardees of this year’s Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship Fund.