LIDA Health ECR Event: Engage, Involve, Promote Yourself

- Date: Wednesday 5 June 2024, 10:00 – 13:00
- Location: Worsley SR (9.58b)
- Type: Seminars, Applied Mathematics, Seminars, Pure Mathematics, Seminars, Statistics
- Cost: Free
Learn how to engage and involve the public with your research to make inclusive grant applications.
Join us in this session to learn how to engage and involve the public with your research to make inclusive grant applications. Book your free ticket now.
Participate in groups tackling unique health data projects for an upcoming grant proposal competition. Get feedback and support to craft winning proposals. The best group proposal receives a prize at the final workshop!
10:00-10:45 – Building impact into your research
10:45-11:30 – How to Write Grants Including PPIE
11:30-12:00 – Creating a Personal Presence
12:00-13:00 – Lunch and networking
Dr Fran Pontin: a senior research data scientist within the consumer data research centre.
Dr Holly Schofield: a Patient and Public Involvement Officer at UoL and is a public involvement adviser for NIHR.
Dr Asra Aslam: Health Sciences Research Fellow with industry/academic international experience, leading "Empowerment & Inclusion" communities globally.