
Results 11 to 15 of 24 in Research and innovation

Diagram showing RepTate software

A new, open-source version of a software package for sharing rheological data has been developed by researchers at the School of Mathematics.

A flooded town in England

A team of Leeds mathematicians and French civil engineers has developed a new way of visualising and analysing complex flood-protection schemes.

Ammonite fossils

A new mathematical model developed by researchers at the University of Leeds and Uppsala University sheds new light on how major evolutionary groups arise.

Data Science and Analytics

Professor Kanti Mardia, a Senior Research Professor in the School of Mathematics, has been recognised with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Indian Statistical Association (IISA).

Satellite image of peatlands in the Congo

A new centre will enable 50 fully-funded PhD researchers to harness satellite data to tackle global environmental challenges.