Professor Steven Tobias joins $4m research project investigating ‘last great problem of classical physics’
A $4 million (£3.3m) targeted grant has been awarded by the Simons Foundation to a consortium of leading fluid dynamicists, including Professor of Applied Mathematics Steven Tobias.
Future focused research
A prestigious fellowship will support five University of Leeds researchers addressing global challenges.
Dr Alexandr Buryak wins LMS Whitehead Prize
A University Academic Fellow at the School of Mathematics has received a prestigious award from the London Mathematical Society.
LIFD launch – watch the talks online
The Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics (LIFD) is celebrating a successful launch, culminating in a seminar delivered by one of the world’s leading academics on the subject.
New paper investigates evolutionary games and altruism
A new paper on game theory proposes a solution to a problem in evolutionary biology – how to explain the emergence of altruistic behavioural traits?