On q-deformations of Heun equation
- Date: Friday 9 March 2018, 16:00 – 17:00
- Location: Mathematics Level 8, MALL 1, School of Mathematics
- Type: Integrable Systems, Seminars, Applied Mathematics
- Cost: Free
Kouichi Takemura, Chuo University, Tokyo. Part of the Integrable Systems seminar series.
The q-Heun equation and its variants were obtained by degenerations of Ruijsenaars-van Diejen operators with one particle.
We investigate local properties of these equations. Especially we characterize the variants of q-Heun equation by using analysis of regular singularities.
We also consider quasi-exact solvability of the q-Heun equation and its variants. Namely we investigate finite-dimensional subspaces which are invariant under the action of the q-Heun operator or the variants of q-Heun operator.
This talk is based on arXiv:1712.09564.