
Results 936 to 940 of 1114 in Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Head of Sustainable Energy and Climate Change at Leeds City Council, Tom Knowland, has a long term vision: to make the city of Leeds a real world test bed for the University’s energy research.

Terahertz technology

The University of Leeds' School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering is leading the way in terahertz frequency research on a global level.

Researchers in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Leeds are taking part in a project to develop ways to wirelessly “beam” power into robots and other digital systems.

The University of Leeds is one of the founding members of the EPSRC UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Network which will be unveiled this evening at the Science Museum in London.

The Faculty of Engineering is celebrating National Women in Engineering Day today, to commend all of our female engineering students, staff and alumni.