Professor Elaine Martin joins the Trustee Board of the Royal Academy of Engineering
The Head of School of Chemical and Process Engineering, Professor Elaine Martin OBE has been elected to the Trustee Board of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE).
Engineering and computing careers fairs hailed as a great success
The Faculty of Engineering held two very successful careers earlier this month, with more than 60 graduate employers in attendance.
International Fieldwork Intercomparison
Scientists from the Atmospheric and Planetary Chemistry group have participated in a major instrument intercomparison held at the large outdoor SAPHIR chamber in Germany between 5-17 October 2015.
School of Computing research project receives £980k EPSRC grant
The QuantiCode project led by Dr Roy Ruddle, from the School of Computing, has been awarded with a research grant of £980k from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
University of Leeds signs new concrete technology partnership
The University of Leeds has signed a partnership agreement with The Institute of Concrete Technology to enhance educational activities in concrete technology.