Inspire, create, and explore at Be Curious 2023

Be Curious, the annual University of Leeds family open day, is back for 2023.
On Saturday 13 May, 10am-4pm, the University will be open to the public for a day of free family-friendly activities. From fossils to microscopes, triangles to trees, there will be over 40 features in the programme this year, meaning more to explore.
Professor Simone Buitendijk, University of Leeds Vice-Chancellor and President, said: “We’re delighted to once again welcome everyone to join in our popular Be Curious event. We value our position at the heart of our local community, and Be Curious is a fantastic opportunity for young – and not-so-young – people to learn more about the work that we do at the University of Leeds.
“While we hope Be Curious will educate, we really want the event to entertain and inspire. Everyone at the University is committed to supporting and engaging with young people across our city and region, giving them the opportunity to be creative and develop critical thinking skills.”
As a part of the day’s activities, Be Curious will hold a fun and interactive theatre workshop open to anyone aged between 9-16, held by stage@leeds young company. The organisation is an inclusive and accessible creative space for young people.
In addition, the Marks & Spencer archive will be open, giving the opportunity to discover the amazing collection with exciting hands-on activities and the chance to meet Percy Pig.
Dr Alexa Ruppertsberg, Head of Public Engagement with Research, said: “Be Curious is the highlight of our year. We love opening the doors to the University and welcoming families from across the city.
It gives young people a chance to interact with different new ideas and topics in a really hands on way, hopefully inspiring them to think outside the box. It is a fantastic opportunity for researchers to share their important work and the impact it will have on lives.
The programme is split into four areas of the University:
- Parkinson Court
- Baines Wing
- Michael Sadler Building
- Other venues; stage@leeds and M&S archive
This year, Be Curious is delighted to be a Child Friendly Leeds Ambassador. There is no need to book, and all activities are free. The full line-up of events can be found on the Be Curious website.
Programme Highlights
Parkinson Court
Marvellous Microbes
Explore the hidden world of microorganisms. Look through the microscope, explore hands-on models, and get creative with a wide range of activities to suit all ages!
Crystal Creations
Professor William Bragg was so good at science he won a Nobel Prize! But did you know he taught here at the University of Leeds (we’ve even named a building after him!). Come and experience Bragg’s Law in action and learn about all the materials that make up the world around us.
Up Close and Really Cold
Freezing samples and studying them under microscopes can show us so much! It can tell us how diseases happen and how we can help. Come and see the power of freezing (and you don’t even need to bring a jacket!).
Michael Sadler Building
Wearable Technology
When you run your heart rate goes up, when you’re cold your skin temperature goes down. One patch can measure all of this at the same time! Come and see how wearable technology can visualise the body’s response to changes in your environment.
Real Robotics Lab
Give robotics a try at the Real Robotics Lab. You can experience the thrill and excitement of learning about robotics, and you’ll even get a chance to control a robotic arm!
Star*ts music and spoken word performance
Star*ts is an immersive experience with music and spoken word performances. Its creation is inspired by the origins of the universe. Performances will happen throughout the day so drop by and stay as long as you want! This will be held throughout the day in the Banham Theatre.
The Chocolate Trial
In medicine we use something called a clinical trial to answer questions. We'll be asking the question “Do different kinds of chocolate make us happier?” Come and help answer our question!
Further information
Picture Credit: Simon and Simon Photography.
For more information, please contact Corporate Communications Officer, Rebecca Hurrey on