Professor Neil Bressloff to lead School of Mechanical Engineering from September

The Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences is pleased to welcome Professor Neil Bressloff as the new Head of the School of Mechanical Engineering from September 2022.
Professor Neil Bressloff has been appointed Head of the School of Mechanical Engineering. Neil joins the University of Leeds following his work at the University of Southampton, where he is Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Design. Neil has been Head of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Southampton, during which time he established a major strategic partnership with Airbus UK. Neil’s personal research interests are in fluid dynamics and device design for biomedical applications, where he has achieved considerable success, working with external partners to translate his research to clinical trials.
Welcoming the appointment, Executive Dean of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Professor Nora de Leeuw, said: “I am very pleased that Neil Bressloff has accepted the position and I would like to warmly welcome him to the University and our Faculty. Neil’s extensive leadership experience in higher education in the UK and his active and translational research programme, including a recent spin-off company, will be hugely valuable to the School of Mechanical Engineering, as well as the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences and University more generally. I look forward very much to working with Neil in the future.”
The Faculty would also like to thank his predecessor, Professor Martin Levesley, for stepping in as interim Head and expertly guiding the School of Mechanical Engineering over the last year.
Martin started his research career at Southampton University where he worked with Rolls Royce on the dynamics and control of aero engine vibration. He is currently a member of the Institute of Design, Robotics and Optimisation within the School of Mechanical Engineering where his research is now focused on the design and control of robotic rehabilitation devices. Martin also has an interest in innovation in student education and was made a National Teaching Fellow for his work developing ReLOAD, a system that allows students to access laboratory equipment live across the internet.
Neil Bressloff will join the University on 12th September 2022.