Recognition for Leeds graduates in the Study UK Alumni Awards

Leeds alumni, Sikiru Mohammed, has been announced as a winner in the British Council Study UK Alumni Awards 2022.
The awards celebrate outstanding alumni around the world making contributions in the fields of science and sustainability; culture and creativity; social action; and business and innovation. Award winners and finalists are leaders in their fields who have used their experience of studying at a UK university to make a positive contribution to their communities, professions and countries. National winners are selected in each category, and the top shortlisted candidates may also be considered for global awards.
In Nigeria, Sikiru Mohammed (PhD Mechanical Engineering 2018) has been named winner of the Science and Sustainability Award. Sikiru, an electrical and mechanical engineer, has been recognised for contributions to engineering and STEM education.
Sikiru is one of four winners and numerous shortlisted from across the different faculties at the University of Leeds, find out more about past winners, entry criteria and keep up to date with announcements by visiting the British Council Study UK Alumni Awards website.