Professor Barbara Evans wins IWA Development Award

The International Water Association has awarded Professor Barbara Evans the IWA Development Award (Research) 2017, recognising her significant contributions to tackling global water challenges.
Professor Barbara Evans’ research has played a key role in developing effective strategies for securing safe access to water and sanitation, with a sustained attention to poor urban and rural communities. She has been awarded the IWA Development Award for Research for increasing our understanding on community-wide approaches to tackle urban and rural water and sanitation challenges.
Barbara Evans says: “I am delighted and honoured to accept this award. My work is dedicated to the 4.5 billion people worldwide who lack access to safely managed sanitation. I am very excited to have the opportunity which this award brings to work with the IWA’s members, who play a vital role in WASH service delivery, to further develop our understanding of how to deliver the SDG target 6.2 of universal access to safely managed sanitation.”
Marco Antonio Cevallos, Director EPMAPS, Ecuador received the IWA Development Award (Practice) 2017. He has shown how management vision can lead water utilities in emerging economies to deliver vastly improved services, even to the poorest in society. He is awarded the IWA Development Award for Practice for instigating a new service paradigm that places greater emphasis on community engagement, resource stewardship, and investment decisions that consider the social, economic and environmental costs.
Working to deliver solutions to global water challenges, both leading water innovators have been recognised by the international water community for their outstanding contributions to the practice and science of water, which have improved the lives of millions of people in low- and middle-income countries.
Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy, Executive Director of the International Water Association comments:
“The IWA Development Awards recognise excellence, leadership and innovation in the water sector, and aim to encourage the continued contribution to the sustainable management of water in low- and middle-income countries. The contributions of Barbara and Marco Antonio serve as an example to the water community all over the world.”
The awards were presented during the opening Ceremony of the IWA Water and Development Congress & Exhibition in Buenos Aires, on Monday 13 November 2017.
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