University of Leeds joins forces with technology companies to help develop the Internet of Things

A new programme between the University of Leeds, technology company ADI and communications infrastructure company Arqiva will lead to the roll out of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) in Yorkshire.
As a result of the programme, ADI has been selected by the Digital Catapult as one of 6 partners to build experimentation testbeds for businesses and entrepreneurs across the UK to develop Internet of Things (IoT) products and services. IoTUK Boost will aim to address barriers to entry into the IoT marketplace across the country, with ADI concentrating specifically on Yorkshire. The initiative will look to drive experimentation and innovation in areas including healthcare, traffic and transport services, energy management and environmental sensing.
The University of Leeds will work with ADI to identify young entrepreneurs with IoT ideas and the drive to turn them in to marketable products.
Senior Lecturer Andy Kemp, from the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering said: “ADI working with Arqiva and SigFox is offering a genuine opportunity for entrepreneurs to get new Internet of Things ideas out of the lab and on to the market place. I have seen numerous projects which could be exploited to set up new businesses.”
Entrepreneurs in Yorkshire looking to get involved in this project can visit the adi-iot website.