Prestigious engineering scholarships awarded by the Arkwright Scholarships Trust

Dr Kerry Baker, Engineering Outreach Specialist at University of Leeds, has supported future leaders of the engineering profession at the Arkwright Scholarships Trust’s 25th Annual Awards Ceremony.
The Arkwright Scholarships Trust awarded 413 sixth-form scholarships, which act as a beacon to the most talented, high-calibre STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) students in UK schools. The scholarships, which are supported by nearly 200 different sponsoring organisations, were awarded by principle guests at ceremonies in London and Edinburgh this year.
Dr Kerry Baker supported University of Leeds' scholarship winners Will Farrar and Lucie Gale at the Trust’s award ceremony, which was held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Friday 11 November. The new Arkwright scholars were commended for their impressive academic achievements in STEM.
Aspiring engineers Will Farrar and Lucie Gale will be mentored by Dr Kerry Baker throughout the duration of their A levels. The scholarship will contribute to specialist engineering equipment and resources that will aid their study.
The students will also be visiting at University of Leeds for a tour, which will be led by Dr Kerry Baker, to view the state-of-the-art facilities belonging to the Faculty of Engineering.
Two undergraduate scholarships funded by The Reece Foundation, each of £12,000 in value, were also awarded at the ceremonies. Dr Martin Thomas CEng FIET, Chief Executive of the Arkwright Scholarships Trust said:
“I have been hugely impressed by the creativity, technical skills and leadership prowess of the young men and women receiving their scholarships this year… these newly-trained people need to also act as outstanding leadership beacons within industry and academia. The Arkwright Engineering Scholarships are the first step on that road to achieving such a vital position within UK engineering.”
Arkwright scholarships are one of the most prestigious accolades that a talented sixth-form student can receive, with the Trust administering more than 4,000 scholarships to date.
For more information about the Arkwright Scholarships Trust, please visit their website.