Professor invited as chief speaker at national concrete day event

Professor Basheer, School of Civil Engineering has been invited to attend the Indian Concrete Institute's annual concrete day celebrations as chief guest.
Professor Basheer will attend the event in Chennai on the 7th September where he will deliver the 4th Dr A Ramakrishna Memorial Lecture to a delegation of concrete professionals. The Indian Concrete Institute's formation day is celebrated as “Concrete Day” all over India during the month of September.
About the Indian Concrete Institute
Headquartered in Chennai, the Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) is a registered professional body of over 4,500 individuals and organisations in 27 centres across the country. The Indian Concrete Institute was formed as a professional organisation on September 7, 1982.
The ICI is dedicated to the betterment of concrete, concrete construction in the field and in the field of research. It has been organising seminars, workshops, lectures and structured training programmes for the betterment of the knowledge of people in the construction industry.