An introduction to our external fellowships initiative
The University of Leeds has long been recognised as one of the UK's leading universities and is regularly ranked in the world top 100.
Now we are embarking on an ambitious journey to do even more. We are already investing in more than 40 new chair appointments to build on our existing research and teaching strengths, but we are also keen to host outstanding researchers who can help us to strengthen our research activities still further.
We are looking to attract researchers who would like to undertake research at Leeds. Funding bodies from all over the world offer fellowship opportunities for excellent researchers who wish to pursue a research career. The University of Leeds External Fellowships Initiative will support the highest quality candidates in identifying funding sources to enable them to undertake their research at Leeds, and will then support them in submitting a proposal. The University of Leeds will, where required, provide additional funding to supplement the funding obtained.
If you share our vision, visit our dedicated Fellowships website which provides links to the research currently undertaken across the University, our excellent research environment and information about what the city of Leeds has to offer.