Tribology Trust Bronze Medal awarded to Dr Junyan Li
The Tribology Trust Bronze Medal is an internationally prestigious award made annually by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) to an early tribologist
The Tribology Trust Bronze Medal is an internationally prestigious award made annually by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) to an early career scientist/engineer for technical contributions to the field of friction, lubrication and wear i.e tribologists.
The medal was presented at the Annual House Meeting of the tribology group of the IMechE in London and was followed by a dinner hosted by the President of the IMechE, Mr Mark Hunt, in honour of the medallists.
Junyan has been working in the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (IMBE), University of Leeds for the last four years, first as a PhD student and then as a research fellow. His research project was about mechanical simulation of the natural hip joint.
Junyan said "I feel lucky to have overcome a technical challenge in the modelling methodology for the first time. I am glad that the research conducted by myself and guided by my supervisors, professors John Fisher, Ruth Wilcox and Zhongmin Jin has been recognised by the committee."
After Junyan obtained his bachelor degree from Dalian University of Technology, China in 2010. He came to Leeds and completed my PhD in IMBE in 2013. From January 2013, I started my current position as a research fellow.
"Getting recognised early on in my research career certainly strengthens my determination in overcoming new challenges in tribology and will stand me in good stead in my future career as a tribologist", said Junyan.