Maths academics are guest speakers at Integrable Systems workshops in Shanghai

Academic staff members from the School of Mathematics recently gave presentations at two knowledge-sharing events hosted by major institutions in Shanghai, China.
On April 4th 2019, Professor Frank W. Nijhoff, Professor Allan P. Fordy and Dr Oleg Chalykh were the main speakers at a workshop on Integrable Systems organised by the School of Software Engineering and Computer Science at Shanghai’s East China Normal University.
Their talks were entitled, respectively, “Direct Linearisation and KP type Integrable Systems”, “Super Integrability: an Overview” and “KP Hierarchy and Bispectral Problems”. Professor Y. Chen and Associate Professor W. Fu were the organisers of the event.
The previous day, Professors Nijhoff and Fordy gave presentations at the Shanghai University-University of Leeds Joint Mathematical Physics Workshop. They presented alongside two speakers from Shanghai University, Professor M. Nakahara and Professor N. Jing.
Following the Shanghai visit, the attendees travelled on to the prestigious Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum on Sanya, Hainan. One of the event's organisers was Qingping Liu, a former PhD student of Professor Fordy, while other participants included Professor Qing Huang of Northwest University, who visited the University of Leeds in 2016, and Cheng Zhang of Shanghai University, who will visit Professor Nijhoff and Dr Vincent Caudrelier in Leeds for one year beginning in November 2019. Both visits were funded by the China Scholarship Council.
The School of Mathematics is developing a number of links and partnerships with universities in China, including an entry agreement with the University of Wuhan, a split-site PhD programme at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen (SUSTech), and is a contributor to the Southwest Jiao Tong University-University of Leeds Joint School in Chengdu.