School welcomes visiting professor Heather Lewandowski from University of Colorado Boulder

The School of Chemistry is pleased to welcome Visiting Professor Heather Lewandowski, who recently joined the school for six months.
Heather comes to us from the University of Colorado Boulder, where she is a Professor in the Physics Department and chairs a research group studying the collisions and reactions of cold molecules.
Her placement is thanks to the prestigious Fulbright Scholar Programme, which chooses a handful of senior academics from the USA each year to visit and share their knowledge with UK universities. The University of Leeds-Fulbright Distinguished Chair award is designed to be part research and part teaching, with an emphasis on involvement in the UK academic community.
Heather’s expertise in ultracold chemistry and physics is expected to be a good fit for several ongoing research projects in the school, including Professor Dwayne Heard’s work with cold Laval nozzle reaction kinetics and Marie Curie Fellow Dr Julia Lehman’s interest in high resolution spectroscopy.
During her stay she will also be giving a series of seminars, with topics ranging from her molecular research to physics education research – another area on which she has published numerous papers.
It is hoped that this visit will lead to a long-term international collaboration between Heather and researchers in the school, as well as the start of a strong international relationship between the Universities of Leeds and Colorado Boulder.
On behalf of the School of Chemistry, we would all like to extend a warm welcome to Heather and wish her a pleasant and productive stay here.
Further reading:
“Rotational-State Purity of Decelerated Beams”, N. J. Fitch, D. A. Esteves, M. I. Fabrikant, T. C. Briles, Y. Shyur, L. P. Parazzoli, and H.J. Lewandowski, J. Mol. Spec. 278, p 1-6 (2012).
“The Process of Transforming an Advanced Lab Course: Goals, Curriculum, and Assessments”, B. Zwickl, N. Finkelstein, and H. J. Lewandowski, American Journal of Physics 81, p 63 (2013)
"Large Effects of Electric Fields on Atom-Molecule Collisions at Millikelvin Temperatures", L. P. Parazzoli, N. J. Fitch, P. S. Zuchowski, J. M. Hutson, and H. J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Letters 106, 193201 (2011).
"Swinging and Springing", N. J. Fitch, C. A. Weidner, L. P. Parazzoli, H. Dullin, and H. J. Lewandowski, APS - Physics (2009).
"Experimental demonstration of classical Hamiltonian monodromy in the 1:1:2 resonant elastic pendulum", N. J. Fitch, C. A. Weidner, L. P. Parazzoli, H. Dullin, and H. J. Lewandowski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 034301 (2009).