Using simulation to design, train and test automated vehicles
- Date: Wednesday 5 December 2018, 13:00 – 17:00
- Location: Civil Engineering LT A (1.10)
- Cost: Free
Join Professor Richard Romano from the Institute for Transport Studies here at Leeds for his seminar on how to use simulation to design, train and test automated vehicles.
Automated vehicles (AVs) have been under development for over 50 years. In this time there have been advancements to sensors, software and computers, but incredible challenges still remain. Sensors need significant improvement to provide a level of capability similar to the human eye; but, most importantly, the software must be enhanced to meet the challenge. Based on recent crashes, it is obvious that further refinement is required to sense and react to objects and vehicles in the world; but this is only the tip of the iceberg. AVs need to interact in a safe and consistent method that maintains their priority and doesn't lead to chaos on the roads! Simulation is an important tool to support the design and testing of AVs. It provides a safe environment for a variety of open and closed loop scenarios. However, testing complex closed loop scenarios where AVs interact with traditional traffic participants requires further Artificial Intelligence to replicate all the players. This sets the stage for many more years of Aartifical Intelligence research.
About the speaker
Professor Richard Romano directs the development of and research on the University of Leeds Driving Simulator and Pedestrian Simulator. He is the PI on the Innovate UK funded project to replace HGVs with delivery robots and a CoI on the European funded interAct project and Innovate UK funded HumanDrive project. With over 25 years of experience, he has been the principal investigator on a range of projects developing and using driving simulation and pedestrian simulation technology. Romano is also an expert in vehicle dynamics modelling, motion cueing, and nano-scopic traffic simulation as well as having extensive experience developing simulation based testing systems for automated vehicles.