Corporate Wisdom with Gareth Stace, UK Steel

Speaker: Gareth Stace, Director, General UK Steel

The future of the UK steel industry

The UK steel sector is still emerging from the crisis that shook the sector in 2015-2016 which saw the closure of the 98-year old Redcar Steel works. Tata Steel put its entire UK asset base up for sale, and ultimately saw two new companies, Liberty Steel and British Steel, enter into the UK market. The current upswing in the global steel market has provided much needed breathing room and time for reflection, however, the future of the UK steel industry remains uncertain.

In this lecture, Gareth Stace, Director General of UK Steel takes a look at the history of the UK steel industry, the factors that have contributed to its underlying difficulties, and what action must now be taken to deliver a modern and sustainable industry for the 21stcentury.

Event format

17:30  Registration in the Business School foyer
18:00  Presentation followed by Q&A in the lecture theatre (G.02)
19:00  Networking and refreshments in the Business School foyer
20:00  Close

Register now.

For further information, please contact Rhys Gillard.

About the speaker

As Director of UK Steel, Gareth ensures that the organisation plays a key role in promoting the future success of steel in the UK, as well as highlighting the significant challenges that the sector currently faces. UK Steel is at the heart of the steel sector debate, as the key unified voice of the industry. To ensure that the sector is outward looking, we bring members and supply chains together to seek new challenges and commercial opportunities for the sector.

Gareth began his career in manufacturing before, first representing the milk processing industry on environment and climate change and then joining EEF in 2007, as Head of Climate & Environment Policy. Gareth led EEF’s work on a broad range of environment policies that affect the UK manufacturing sector, with a clear focus on the steel sector.

Gareth also chairs the Manufacturers’ Climate Change Group, which represents carbon intensive sectors, including cement, ceramics, glass, paper, steel and chemicals. He also chairs the BEIS Green Economy Council Energy Intensive Industry Sub Group, Gareth graduated from Kings College London with a degree in Environmental Science and is a full member of the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment.