Chris Cahill - Technical Business Analyst at Hermes and Regional Chair at British Computer Society (BCS) Elite.

The School of Computing is delighted to welcome back its alumnus Chris Cahill, Technical Business Analyst at Hermes and Regional Chair at British Computer Society (BCS) Elite.

He will visit Leeds on Thursday 13th February to give a guest lecture to staff and students.

Chris will share experiences of his journey from the School of Computing to becoming an IT Professional and discuss how his degree prepared him for his career. He will talk about some of the skills that IT professionals need and will share some wisdom and tips he has gained through his inspirational journey.

The presentation is especially tailored for undergraduate and postgraduate computing students, who can find out where a Leeds education can take them. It will also be of interest to staff, providing awareness of the skill demand.

After the talk, Chris will have an open discussion with students and staff who would like to to find out more about BCS, The Graduate project, and the life of an IT professional.

Talk: ‘From the School of Computing to IT Professional and British Computer Society leader’
Location: School of Computing, Staff Room, Level 9, EC Stoner Building
Date: 13 February 2014
Time: 5pm-6pm
Refreshments will be provided from 4:30pm.

The open discussion with staff and students will be held immediately after the guest lecture.

The lecture and open discussion are open to all staff and students from the University of Leeds.