Nor Azimah Binti Abdul Basir
- Course: Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng, BEng
Why did you decide to study at the University of Leeds?
I decided to study at the University of Leeds because it is a top university with a beautiful landscape, buildings and campus.
What has been the best aspect of studying on your course and why?
The best aspect of studying on my course is meeting a wide range of people from different countries. We were able to exchange different ideas and concepts.
Why did you want to take part in the Toyoda internship?
I wanted to challenge myself and to go out of my comfort zone. Also, I wanted to learn many things from different countries from all over the world and share the knowledge I gained/ learnt with my country and society.
What has your experience been like so far?
Assigned to a division that is completely different than my degree study has opened my mind and helped me to view things from a different angle. It also taught me many soft skills that I believe I could never gain elsewhere and my university could never teach me.
What skills have you gained from this experience?
Networking, time management, Japanese language and teamwork.
What is your role within the company?
My project involved studying and investigating the application of AGV in TBJ to make the factories fully autonomous. I was also in charge of equipping myself and the company updated about the latest technologies in the market in terms of factory management.
Can you give me an insight into a typical day?
Every morning started with a 5 minutes morning exercise with the other colleagues. Then I logged into the PC and checked my personal schedule/ tasks/ objectives of the day and carry on with these tasks. Every Monday, I had to submit a weekly plan to the Group Manager to efficiently plan my time and know what goal I needed to achieve by the end of the week.