Abhraneel Sen
- Course: Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng, BEng
- Year of graduation: 2019
- Job title: Graduate Digital Technology Analyst
- Company: HSBC
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhraneel-sen-875764134/
Why did you decide to study at the University of Leeds?
Having studied electronics as a core subject in school, I knew that wanted to study an electronics-based subject in university because of how interesting I found the field and how much I enjoyed my lab sessions. I decided to chose Leeds because of the worldwide reputation of the department I belong and as a University itself.
What has been the best aspect of studying on your course and at the University and why?
Electronic and Electrical Engineering is well-renowned in Leeds. The best aspect is definitely working with some of our lecturers who have been working on the subject for years and sharing their knowledge with us. Also, the exposure we get in our labs. With a fair ratio of theory:practical work, it really does help us cement what we learn from the books and handouts.
Tell us about some of the exciting projects you have completed so far?
This semester we worked on our Physical Electronics Lab building an electric motor using a reed switch. We had to carry out different tasks as per a sheet through which we were assessed. Other than that, we've been working extensively on a powerful software called MATLAB on which we work out codes to crack numerical questions.
What does Leeds as a city have to offer students?
I think Leeds is a University perfectly crafted for students. It has a huge campus with thousands of students working during the day, ample number of clubs and pubs to blow off some steam during the weekends, weekday even. Loads of nice restaurants, malls, museums - there's something for everybody. I couldn't see myself going to university anywhere else.
What are your ambitions for the future?
After my BEng, I'd like to finish my masters in the same field as well. Technology has come a far way and is influencing our lives, making it easier, working miracles that we wouldn't have imagined a few years earlier. I'd like to contribute to that, there's a long way to go for technology and I'd like to be a part of the change we make. My favorite part of Electronics is Digital Electronics so hopefully along those lines.
What Experiences at Leeds do you think will help you in your future career?
I think the exposure to all the practical and lab work, CV and employment talks, and help from the experienced lecturers will all help and guide me to where I want to be. By the end of my course, I would have acquired skills that will help me in the professional world.
What would you say to students coming to do the same course?
I'd tell them to go for it if they really do like maths and science and have a keen interest in technology. It's a great degree to have but at the same time, it requires a lot of hard work. Keeping up with the material that's taught and doing the work they ask you to do is key in doing well. Practical classes are as important as theory classes as they provide hands-on experience and help us with better understanding of the subject.