Emily Jayne Butler
- Email: scejb@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: An investigation of the Fluid Structure Interaction in articular cartilage across disparate scales.
- Supervisor: Dr Greg de Boer, David Head, Mark Walkley, Michael Bryant
I am a postgraduate researcher currently in my second year in the CDT in Fluid Dynamics. Before joining the CDT I studied Mathematics at the University of Sheffield, achieving an integrated masters in Mathematics (MMath) with first class honours (2016 – 2020). In the penultimate summer of my undergraduate degree, I undertook a research placement in the field of computational fluid dynamics (Summer 2019). This project was an investigation into transient turbulent structures arising in pipe flow using direct numerical simulations. My undergraduate dissertation was in the field of applied mathematics, studying black holes and their self-forces due to interactions with their own gravitational fields. These short experiences of applied mathematics research stimulated me to join the CDT in Fluid Dynamics. Here, I carried out my MSc project in the field of biological fluid dynamics, validating a tool to determine wall shear stress within arteries (completed in July 2021). I have now begun working on my PhD, which studies the fluid structure interaction in articular cartilage across disparate scales.
Research interests
Generally, my research interests are currently centred on computational and experimental modelling of articular cartilage. Specifically, modelling disparate scales of the fluid structure interactions arising in cartilage. This will eventually involve the coupling of these disparate scales and working with clinicians to build a practical model.
- Integrated Masters in Mathematics (MMath) with first-class honours.