Webinar: A new app to support sustainable shopping
- Date: Wednesday 21 September 2022, 12:00 – 12:40
- Location: Online event
- Cost: Free
An App to support the discovery and choices of more sustainable products: How value-sensitive design can empower sustainable consumption.
The Global Food and Environment Institute (GFEI) is holding a webinar where Dr Evangelos Pournaras, Associate Professor at Distributed Systems Services group, School of Computing at the University of Leeds, will highlight the findings from his research in this area having won best paper for this groundbreaking piece of research at the GFEI Food and Agriculture Awards 2021.
In a so-called overpopulated world, sustainable consumption is of existential importance, but the expanding spectrum of product choices and their production complexity challenge consumers to make informed and value-sensitive decisions. Recent approaches are often potentially privacy-invasive and responsible consumption based on informed choices requires reasoning to an extent that tends to overwhelm human cognitive capacity. As a result, a collective shift towards sustainable consumption remains a grand challenge. Dr Pournaras will show here a novel personal shopping assistant implemented as a smartphone app that supports a value-sensitive design and leverages sustainability awareness, using experts’ knowledge and ‘wisdom of the crowd’ for transparent product information and explainable product ratings.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-app-to-support-the-discovery-and-choices-of-more-sustainable-products-tickets-386833548557