Professor Hamish Carr wins second Test of Time Award
Professor Hamish Carr has won the 2021/2022 Test of Time Award from the Computational Geometry Theory and Applications Journal.
University and Asda announce data partnership
Asda and the University have joined forces to better understand pressing societal challenges such as nutrition, environmental and health issues through a strategic data partnership.
Research recognition for Leeds academics
Two Leeds researchers have received prestigious fellowships aimed at tackling major global challenges.
A high note for research and education
A fanfare performed by the Black Dyke Band has marked the official opening of the Sir William Henry Bragg building, a hub for physical sciences and engineering teaching and research at the University.
Mapping the brain of a nematode worm
Researchers have mapped the physical organisation of the brain of a soil-living nematode worm, creating a new model for the architecture of the animal’s brain.