Parvez Shaik
- Course: Advanced Computer Science MSc
I had offers from various universities on the course across Europe, but Leeds is among the top universities of UK and this was one of the main reasons for choosing it. Moreover, the university offered me a £3,000 scholarship, which is quite a significant amount for an international student.
My course is quite challenging. The education system is quite different to that of my country (India) so it took a while to cope with the pace here and get going, but its all fine now and I owe a lot to the support provided by the staff in the school.
This University is fantastic, especially when it comes to the fact that the professors are quite flexible on their teaching depending on the students. They take student issues or suggestions very seriously and help them to get along with the course very well. Alongside this, they let you get involved in various research sessions, where you geta flavour of the research being carried out in the University.
There is a lab totally dedicated to the MSc students and it is available around the clock, this gives you space to work whenever you need. The student support is the best I have come across, they help you out with anything and everything concerned with the course. I find it a great environment to study.
The Student Union has so many clubs and societies that makes it a great placeto spend your weekends and to relieve your stress.
Overall the experience at Leeds has been great and memorable to me.