Subject pathways within the Natural Sciences degree (2025/26)


Physics students - Maks Wieckowski and Natalie Brown

Physics is the most fundamental of all sciences, delving into the way the world around us works to provide technological advances and innovations for centuries.

From developing cancer treatments and artificial intelligence to answering the foundational questions of the universe, physics and physicists have had a significant impact across a variety of different industries – which is why it’s still such a sought-after and relevant discipline today.

If you want to study physics, you’ll have to also choose mathematics as one of your three subjects.

If you decide to take the Physics subject pathway as part of your Natural Sciences degree, you'll take a series of optional and compulsory modules within this pathway. 

Please note: The modules listed below are indicative of typical options and some of these options may not be available, depending on other modules you have selected already.

Year 1

Compulsory module

Core Physics 1: Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Solid State Physics – 30 credits

Cover fundamental physical theories and associated mathematical concepts that underpin the topics of mechanics, special relativity, thermodynamics and solid state physics.

Year 2

Compulsory modules

Core Physics 2: Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter – 20 credits

Module description coming soon.

Experimental and Computational Physics – 20 credits

Develop your experimental, computational, communication and employability skills, and introduce you to programming using the Python computer programming language.

Optional module:

Core Physics 2: Quantum Physics – 20 credits

Module description coming soon.

Year 3

Optional modules

Advanced Topics in Physics – 40 credits

Develop a broad knowledge, understanding and application of core areas in advanced physics and be able to solve unseen, problem-led questions in these areas.

Advanced Techniques in Physics (Joint Honours) – 20 credits

Develop the ability to apply physical understanding and advanced problem-solving skills in designing and carrying out experimental studies. These are essential aspects you’ll need for both higher-level academic study and many professional careers for physicists. You’ll carry out extended, open-ended studies using techniques that are commonplace in experimental research, honing key skills in experimentation, data handling, analysis, teamwork and communication in a professional context.

Computer Simulations – 20 credits

Module description coming soon.

Magnetism in Condensed Matter – 20 credits

Magnetic materials underpin much of modern technology and thus our everyday lives, from electric motors to data storage, sensors and computing. An understanding of magnetism in condensed matter requires knowledge in several areas of physics to be brought together, including classical and quantum mechanics, statistical physics and condensed matter physics. The first half of this module focuses on the theory of ferromagnetism, while the second half uncovers the physics behind the applications, such as permanent magnets and spin electronics.

Group Innovation Project – 20 credits

This module brings together science and entrepreneurship. You'll work in a team to develop a business plan around an idea for an enterprise based on current scientific research that can help to address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This will culminate in a presentation to an "investment panel". Throughout the module, you’ll further develop your skills in teamwork, project and time management, commercial awareness and self-reflection while providing valuable insight into the commercial side of science.

Quantum Photonics – 20 credits

Gain insight into the quantum mechanics of open quantum systems. You'll study the interactions between light and matter on the level of single photons and single atoms and concepts widely used in quantum optics and in condensed matter physics and quantum field theory.

Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics – 20 credits

This module provides an in-depth introduction to theoretical particle physics. It is a basis for further study in particle physics, astrophysics, detector physics and other areas of science and technology, which require elementary knowledge of particle physics concepts.

Year 4 (MNatSci, BSc)

Optional modules

Soft Matter Physics: Liquid Crystals – 15 credits

Soft matter physics and liquid crystals are important states of matter that have an intermediate order between the liquid and crystal solids. They are relevant to many aspects of science and technology, from display devices to biological. This module will provide you with the background physics behind the principal liquid crystal phases.

Quantum Many-Body Physics – 15 credits

Build foundational knowledge in quantum many-body systems, based on the mathematical formalism of second quantisation and the ideas from quantum information such as entanglement. The module will take you to the cutting edge of research into quantum many-body systems, highlighting their fundamental role in condensed matter and high-energy physics, but also their promising applications in quantum computing.

Advanced Bionanophysics Research – 15 credits

Learn about and discuss current research topics in experimental bionanophysics. The module will have a strong emphasis on the emerging applications of bionanophysics and the development of new tools and technologies for biomedical and biomaterials applications.

Superconductivity – 15 credits

Explore the phenomenological properties and theories of superconductivity, including the principal features of superconducting tunnel junctions and contacts. You’ll also build an understanding of superconductivity using appropriate mathematical tools.

Soft Matter Physics: Polymers, Colloids and Glasses – 15 credits

You'll explore and develop your understanding of the structure of polymers, dynamics and viscoelasticity of polymer melts and solutions, glass-formation in soft matter, colloids and colloidal interactions and phase separation in soft matter.

Quantum Field Theory – 15 credits

Learn how to explain and apply to simple problems all the basic principles, building blocks, tools and concepts of QFT.

Quantum Information Science and Technology – 15 credits

On completion of this module, you should be able to describe the applications and limitations of classical information theory and the processes of quantum communications. You’ll be able to solve numerical examples of problems in transmission of quantum information through noisy channels and explain, quantitatively, the fundamental processes of quantum entanglement. You'll also be able to describe the application of quantum measurements and entanglement to quantum key distribution and quantum metrology and appreciate the hardware and algorithmic requirements for quantum computation.

General Relativity – 15 credits

Learn how to utilise techniques appropriate to differential geometry for familiar problems from Special Relativity before moving on to the study of how these methods can be used to derive the optimal means of studying particle dynamics in a curved space-time, and how physical laws can be translated into the same framework. The module will conclude with a study of applications of general relativity including cosmology and black holes.

Current Research Topics in Physics – 15 credits

Attend research seminars given by internal and external speakers across a wide range of physics topics. This will allow you to critically analyse these results, applying your physics knowledge. You’ll also research and write about current research in physics using relevant online resources.

Advanced Physics in Schools – 15 credits

Build your experience in teaching, whilst also using a critical eye to write a literature review of current issues in physics teaching. You’ll then deliver a presentation, with demonstration, to showcase a research topic adapted for teaching purposes.

Physics of Biological Systems – 15 credits

Discover how concepts from physics help understand how biological systems function. The range of systems sizes covered spans from molecules and their nanoscale assemblies to cells and tissues. These will be introduced at a level necessary to reveal salient physical phenomena at play and you’ll explore experimental techniques to analyse their physical properties. The physics of the systems will be treated quantitatively making use of mathematical techniques and physics concepts acquired in foundational physics courses.

Nanomagnetism – 15 credits

Module description coming soon.

Group Sustainable Innovation Project – 15 credits

This module brings together science and entrepreneurship. You'll work in a team to develop a business plan around an idea for an enterprise based on current scientific research that can help to address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This will culminate in a presentation to an "investment panel". Throughout the module, you’ll further develop your skills in teamwork, project and time management, commercial awareness and self-reflection while providing valuable insight into the commercial side of science.