Susan Grant-Muller
- Position: Chair in Technologies & Informatics
- Email: S.M.Grant-Muller@its.leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 6618
- Location: 105 Institute of Transport Studies
I provide an academic lead a programme of research at the multidisciplinary interface between the digital economy and transport under a low carbon energy future. This is currently supported by the EU FP7 project SUNSET (2010-2013) http://www.sunset-project.eu, with a specific role in directing the evaluation of social media in sustainable transport management. A three year plan for International collaboration with the University of Technion (Israel), University of Haifa (Israel) and IUAV University of Venice in research entitled 'Harvesting transport preference information from web social communities to support sustainable mobility solutions' is supported by an award by the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN).
I act a co-investigator for the Univeristy of Leeds' Centre for Integrated Energy Research (CIER) http://www.cier.leeds.ac.uk funded by a substantive tranche of University strategic funding and a member of the management group for an EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Low Carbon Technologies, (funding for 50 doctoral students) with responsibility for Transport themes. I also provide academic leadership to a White Rose research studentship network in Transport in a Low Carbon Future, involving collaboration between 8 academics across the Yorkshire and Humberside Universities. Wider research has been concerned with aspects of ICT enhanced sustainable highways, (e.g. the M42 - funded by the Highways Agency) measuring the costs and appraising alternative improvement schemes, development of new management policy strategies (e.g. EU funded SPECTRUM project on policy packaging of economic, regulatory and physical transport measures) and interfaces with other modes of travel, particularly air transport (e.g. airport masterplans, air transport sustainability).
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://eps.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>