Professor Russell Harris

Professor Russell Harris


Professor Harris has specialised in the field of advanced manufacturing research since 1997, primarily in academia, but also with significant links to industry. His research portfolio has particularly focused on high value manufacturing across a range of applications, and is characterised by its collaborative interdisciplinary nature and industrial links.

He has presented and published over 100 research papers, including such prestigious publications as Proceedings of the Royal Society, The Lancet, Procedia CIRP, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has received grant awards as principal investigator from the EPSRC, EC Framework Programme, and Department of Health, alongside industry funding.

Professor Harris is the recipient of three annual prizes from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. These have been awarded for three different areas of his manufacturing research which spans different processes and materials; The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Donald Julius Groen Prize for research in Structural Technology and Materials (2003), The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Professional Engineering Publishing Award for research in Engineering in Medicine (2007), The Institution of Mechanical Engineers SAGE Award for research in Materials: Design and Applications (2011).

The value and impact of his manufacturing research has been recognised in the award of the 2013 Queen’s Anniversary Prize for High Value Manufacturing. He was first appointed to his Chair position at Loughborough University in early 2012 and joined the University of Leeds in 2016.

Research interests

Manufacturing Processes -

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>

Research groups and institutes

  • Institute of Design, Robotics and Manufacturing

Current postgraduate researchers

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