Jintao Shuai


I am currently a Marie Curie MagnEFi ITN Early Stage Researcher studying the interaction of surface acoustic waves and magnetic thin films at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds. I am under the supervision of Dr Thomas Moore in the School of Physics and Astronomy and Prof John Cunningham in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I obtained my Master’s Degree at Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on the preparation and mechanical properties of hard ceramic coatings.

Research interests

My research is in magnetic thin films and their properties. Applying a voltage to a piezoelectric material that exerts strain on an adjacent magnetic thin film and manipulates its properties via magnetoelasticity is a promising method to store and compute data with low costs. Inducing strain into thin films by surface acoustic waves has the potential for focusing or interference to manipulate magnetic spin structures. My project focus on the interaction of the surface acoustic waves with magnetic multilayer films such as Co/Pt.


  • Master of Engineering in Materials Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Processing and Controlling Engineering